- Zion Christian “Souper Bowl”
- 469 cans of soup for WHEAT from “Souper Bowl” event at Zion Christian Church!
- Hanover ARC helping WHEAT sort the 2019 Spring Harvest from Hanover Schools.
- Katie Goodman presenting $1,000 check from Sodexo grant that she wrote and submitted on behalf of WHEAT
- June 2018. Wheat received 330 cans of vegs from Food Drive at Union Baptist Church. Note included, “To God be the Glory”. Amen
- 50 lbs of ground pork donated from Chris Stem of Harlow Ridge Farm
- Liberty Middle School class winners Spring 18 Food Drive
- LMS Food Drive Spring 18
- Patrick Henry Spring Food Drive
- Patrick Henry Food Drive ’17
- PH Food Drive Spring 17
- PH Food Drive
- Liberty Mid-Winning class Spring Harvest ’17
- Beaverdam Troop 490 “Girl Scout Thinking Day” Feb 2015
- Farrington Food Drive for WHEAT May 2014
- We Are Unique
- Katie Goodman receiving community service award 3/27/13 with WHEAT, ACES and MCEF
- KatieGoodman-Middle Level Honoree for community service 3/27/13
- Vintage Stars winner Pat Coffey April 2013
- 5/7/13 Hanover Spirit of Volunteerism, Commitment to Community Award
- Ron & Cathy Williams, Carole Umbel
- 2012 Food Drive
- Local Food Drive
- Katie Goodman – plant a row
- Bill Short – Food Pantry
- Food Pantry – stocking the closet
- Cub Pack 789 food drive
- Empty Bowls 2012